Jupiter Horsemen's Association
A Community Tradition for Over Fifty Years

Jupiter Horsemen’s offers a well-organized, professional but relaxed place to compete before licensed judges each month. We offer USEF tests Intro to 4th Level and FEI tests PSG thru Grand Prix. We have also added three WDAA recognized shows for Western Dressage riders this year(See dates below). Specialty classes such as Developing Horse, Materiale and others must be approved by the judge in advance. Please email us at jhahorsemens@gmail.com to inquire before sending your entry.
2024 - 2025 SHOW SEASON
Shows are scheduled the 4th Sunday of the month during show season, except for November which will be on the 3rd Sunday. Dates and judges are as follow.
September 7, 2024 4-6 pm​
Pre-Season Kickoff & Tack Sale
JHA will be hosting a little gathering at the show grounds with opportunities to meet the board, ask questions, and a chance to bring your old gear or look to buy used gear for the upcoming season. This is a free event for anyone interested in JHA. Cold drinks will be provided and we will have a food truck on site.
October 27, 2024:
Ashley Rebecca Maul. "L" Graduate w/Distinction
November 17, 2024 - WDAA Recognized:
Natalie Lamping, "S"
January 26, 2025 - WDAA Recognized:
Charlotte Trentelman, "R" in WD, "S" in DR
February 23, 2025:
Laura Ashley Killian - "L"
March 23, 2025:
Karen Ramsing-Bixler, "L" w/Distinction
April 27, 2025 - WDAA Recognized:
Patti Thompson, "r" in WD, "L" Graduate w/Distinction in DR
Each class will be awarded with ribbons for 1st through 6th place.
Our goal is to support riders who want to participate in a dressage competition without the pressure of a large USEF-recognized show. Our venue is ideal for building the confidence of a new competitor, putting miles on a green horse, and allowing the everyday rider to come do dressage without the pressure and expense of going to a recognized show. We also try to provide opportunities for learning throughout the year by way of clinics and events. To see if anything fun is coming up soon, go cruise around our facebook page.
Entries and Payments can be submitted online using the button at the bottom of the page. Entries must be received TEN DAYS prior to the show. Late entries will be accepted at the Dressage Director’s discretion and are subject to a late fee of $20.00. A copy of a horse’s CURRENT NEGATIVE Coggins must be submitted with your entry. Scratches after the closing date are non-refundable at the show manager's discretion.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you submit a copy of your current negative Coggins report. Failure to provide proof of negative Coggins before the show will result in elimination without a refund.
Each horse/rider combination will be issued a bridle number. All horses on the show ground during the show (even if you’re only schooling) must wear a bridle number any time they are away from their trailer.
Riders may not use the number of another horse/rider. Bridle numbers should be attached to the browband of the horse’s bridle on either side or pinned to the saddle pad behind the rider’s lower leg on either side. A number holder pinned to the saddle pad is an acceptable alternative. If you are leading your horse in his halter, the bridle number should be hung on the ring of the halter on either side.
Ride times will be emailed the Thursday night prior to the show. Late entries will be added to the schedule at the end of the day in a “Test of Choice” class.
We follow all current USEF rules regarding tack, equipment, and rider attire, however JACKETS ARE ALWAYS WAIVED.
For complete rules and guidelines please consult the Dressage Division of the USEF rulebook. If you have a special request, please contact the Dressage Director before the show.
To qualify for year-end awards riders must 1) be in good standing with JHA, 2) complete JHA's annual volunteer service requirement of 6 volunteer hours at any Jupiter Horsemen’s Association event or show, 3) compete in the same level on the same horse at 4 out of the 6 scheduled shows for the season, 4) perform the highest test in your level at least one time during the season. The top 4 scores (one of which must be a score from the highest test in your level) are averaged to produce an end-of-year score. The top end-of-year score receives the Grand Champion Award. The second highest score receives Reserve Champion Award. Year-end placings are awarded through 6th place. Any horse/rider combination who wins an End-of-Year Grand Champion Award or Reserve Champion Award may not earn Grand or Reserve Champion in that same level with the same horse the following year.
Members can fulfill their volunteer hour requirements at any JHA show or event. Friends and family members ARE allowed to volunteer on behalf of competitors, however competing kids are strongly encouraged to volunteer doing age-appropriate tasks. Hunter riders can volunteer at Dressage shows and vice versa. Volunteer opportunities at the Dressage shows include 1) Arena set-up the day before the show, 2) Arena tear-down after the show, 3) Scribing for the judge, 4) Ring steward during the show, 5) Running tests and calculating scores, 6) Helping at the show office during the show. The volunteer opportunities and sign-up form can be found here. Email us at JHAhorsemens@gmail.com or call Miriam at the number listed below with questions.
Our warm-up ring is small, and can be a busy place, so it is imperative that everyone follow the “rules of the road.” If a rider is walking, they should walk on an inside track so other riders can work along the rail at the trot and canter. Otherwise, riders should pass left-hand to left-hand. If a rider has begun a circle or diagonal line, they have the rightof-way on that track. Ride with an awareness of what is going on around you. It may not be possible to practice your entire test from beginning to end without having to make way for another rider.
TRAINERS AND COACHES MAY NOT STAND INSIDE THE WARM-UP RING. If a rider needs help with tack or needs a water break they should exit the warm-up ring. Do not stand on the rail inside the ring chatting, drinking, or making adjustments