Jupiter Horsemen's Association
A Community Tradition for Over Fifty Years

To reserve the show grounds please email JHAhorsemens@gmail.com and provide:
Full Name
Contact Info (email and phone)
Date(s) requested
Insurance liability policy naming Jupiter Horsemens' Association and Palm Beach County Parks

Hunter shows for 2024-25 are scheduled the 2nd Sunday of the month. Show season runs October through April with no show in December.

Dressage for 2024-25 shows are scheduled the 4th Sunday of the month, except for November which will be on the third Sunday. Show season runs October through April with no show in December.

Pleasure shows for 2024-25 are scheduled the first Sunday of the month. Show season runs November through April.

In addition to it's series of shows, JHA also offers members and the communities focused clinics periodically throughout the year.