Jupiter Horsemen's Association
A Community Tradition for Over Fifty Years

A variety of sponsorship packages are offered to help our shows and events grow and improve. Thank you in advance for your consideration and sponsorship.
Our most popular sponsorship packages are listed below. If you had something else in mind, please reach out to us to discuss other creative partnerships. We are also in need of raffle item donations (services, baskets, gift cards, etc). Raffle items are used throughout the season at various events to help offset the cost of event overhead.​​​​
JHA is a 501(c)(3) organization so sponsorship donations are now tax deductible. Please use the link below if you would like a copy of our determination letter for your redcords.
To become a sponsor please complete the Sponsorship Form and submit it with payment to the address noted.

Other customizable packages are available upon request.​